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Plus+ 60

Age-appropriate, sport-specific training for competitive athletes to help them gain not only strength, stability, and speed, but the confidence to succeed in competition.

Our pre-season and early season dry-land training program supplements the high repetition, low-resistance work that swimmers complete in the pool.

Program Overview

Plus+ 60 Program

The plus + 60 program is the comprehensive program for players of different sports between a variety of muscle groups, fat percentages, and other nutritional components that affect the player’s physical performance through a special nutritional program for the player and a training program that suits the player and his physical needs.

Aplus performance center is not simply a place to work out. It’s where better athletes are made. We’re the premier destination for individualized, highly effective, sport-specific training that’s like no other.

El-Wahat Road, Sheikh Zayed City, October, Cairo

T. 01025228078E.